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Depuis la création de ma première école d'art au Chili en 2003, j'ai toujours eu l'intention de promouvoir et motiver le développement de qualités humaines et de vertus à travers l'étude d'une discipline artistique.

La patience, la persévérance, la constance, l'humilité, l'amour, la valorisation et le soin de l'instrument, l'amour et l'appréciation de l'art et de la musique. 

Je crois profondément que la musique influe très positivement dans la vie d'une personne et en conséquence dans sa vie familiale et sociale.

L'étude d'un instrument et les progrès accomplis à travers le travail apportent de la joie et augmente sainement l'estime de soi. 

L'école de chant la voix libre est une continuité dans l'enseignement que j'ai commencé il y a déjà presque 30 ans !

Je vous invite à vous ouvrir à ce merveilleux chemin d'apprentissage et de développement qui est celui de la musique. 





Bossa Nova

No knowledge of music or singing required,
just the intention and the desire to work on your voice
and the commitment needed to get there.


His method is based on years of work with great masters 
and mainly on the method of Cornelius Reid
  , transmitted by Donna Reid  , since 10  years. She also attended the Normal School of Music in Paris Alfred Cortot where she had excellent results as well as  praise in his final exam. 
Pioneer in France in the use of the pedagogy, technique and method of Cornelius Reid which promotes a free passage of the voice in a letting go fruit of an awareness of the body and the physiology of singing.
Apart from that, she seeks to develop the voice in registers
  particular vocals such as the head voice, the mixed voice, the full voice and the belting.
For repertoire work, all languages and styles are welcome.
The accompaniment will be on soundtrack, with piano or guitar with the possibility of making recordings in home studio.

Maria-Soledad accompanies you in the discovery, knowledge and mastery of your own voice. A path of understanding the deep and inseparable link between the being and its voice.
Path where the development of listening, discipline, will and awareness are necessary and vital.

Read the article "The free and natural voice" on the Blog

A path guided by passion and curiosity

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Musician and composer by training, Maria-Soledad also studied singing in universes and registers that could be considered opposed or even incompatible.

This was the driving force of his curiosity and the axis of his vocal work:  stylistic versatility without neglecting technical and interpretive quality. This is also what makes his teaching so rich and unique.

With a strong experience in music education since 1995, first in several music schools in Santiago de Chile, then in her own music school "La academia" (2003-2008), Chile,  Maria-Soledad also taught music at the Villedieu and Vire music schools in Normandy (20010-2012), then in Paris at the Chaville music school (2013-2014). She returned to Brittany in 2016 when she set up her singing school "La voix libre".

Maria-Soledad studied the piano for 10 years, first at the conservatory and then in contemporary music during her composition training. Recently, she started organ studies.

She has been playing the guitar since she was 11 and has also taken lessons in Chile.

Maria-Soledad studied bass with Carlos Delgado in Chile and drums with Andrés Luna.  

Since 2013, she has been learning the Celtic harp. First in several courses with Dimitri Boekhoorn then in regular classes with Aurore Breger.

Maria-Soledad studied the violin with Celia Herrera, conductor of the second violins of the Symphony Orchestra of Santiago de Chile, and she was also his student assistant. She took traditional violin lessons with Enora Morice.

She studied music and composition as well as singing and she never stopped learning.


To know more about his  JOURNEY



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"A vocal work of exceptional quality. Focused on the search for the naturalness of the voice and the deep personality, Marisol uses a very rich palette of technical exercises to lead us to express this potential. The sessions begin with exercises body mindfulness to then move on to specific technical work and finish in song.
Goldsmith's work with great respect for the person.

Emily Brunel

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Maria-Soledad created  and directed a school of music and arts "La Academia" from 2003 to 2008, when she left her country Chile to come to France.

In this school, she was  singing teacher, mainly in contemporary music styles.

Upon arriving in France, she gave private singing lessons in Rennes and Paris.

During her stay in Paris, she studied at the École Normale de Musique de Paris, she has also been studying with Donna Reid since 2012, she participated in the Gospel choir for 100 voices with whom she toured in France and abroad. abroad and she was soloist-chorister of American Gospel Junior with whom she performed in France.

She returned to Brittany rich in experience in 2016 where  she settled in Morbihan to open her singing school "La voix libre".

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